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Technical Support: Moderators
Created by: xcalibur82

3/25/18 @ 8:32am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 15

There is no forum for general ideas so well post here. You are always trying to find ways to make your site better for the models and members. One idea I would like to suggest would be some sort of moderator system put in place. Like there is in all the major streaming sites. This would allow the models to give some sort of control to members they trust to control the room for them and deal with members that could be overly rude and cruel to them. By given a member this ability it would allow them to see the usernames in the room so they then would be able to control it to 1- clear the chat system fully, 2- just remove what a member may have written and maybe even silence them from writing any more for a set amount of time, 3- The power to fully kick a member out of the room for again set amount of time, 4- The ability to even fully ban a member from the models room for set amount of days. These abilities could be in full control of the models so they can set what ones are active and what the amount of time they are set to. Also maybe someplace on their account, the actions that are taken against members are recorded on it. so if they then want to take more action against members them self they can do so. I think this could help models out as when they might be doing stuff especially within the party chat, they would not have to stop due to people ruining their mode and deal with such members.
Created by: vsjim

3/25/18 @ 8:38am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 10


Thank you for your suggestions, this will be sent to the proper dept.
Created by: brucespanner

3/27/18 @ 4:21pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 9

The moderator system (as used by some cam sites) is a bad idea as to be a Moderator you have to be a regular tipper/visitor to the host you want to be a Moderator for and for someone like me, I prefer to chat to several hosts. An better solution would be for each host to have the option to mute guest and basics from chat even if they have been away for a while (as they are usually the rudest). Another option would be for the host to also mute individual premium users from chat so they can stay in the room instead of a ban but cant comment or whisper. A bit of topic but I would like premiums to also have the option to mute individual premium members because it's not only guests and basics that can get annoying.
Created by: brucespanner

3/27/18 @ 4:22pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 9

The moderator system (as used by some cam sites) is a bad idea as to be a Moderator you have to be a regular tipper/visitor to the host you want to be a Moderator for and for someone like me, I prefer to chat to several hosts. An better solution would be for each host to have the option to mute guest and basics from chat even if they have been away for a while (as they are usually the rudest). Another option would be for the host to also mute individual premium users from chat so they can stay in the room instead of a ban but cant comment or whisper. A bit of topic but I would like premiums to also have the option to mute individual premium members because it's not only guests and basics that can get annoying.
Created by: xcalibur82

3/28/18 @ 12:54pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 15

The moderator system (as used by some cam sites) is a bad idea as to be a Moderator you have to be a regular tipper/visitor to the host you want to be a Moderator for and for someone like me, I prefer to chat to several hosts. An better solution would be for each host to have the option to mute guest and basics from chat even if they have been away for a while (as they are usually the rudest). Another option would be for the host to also mute individual premium users from chat so they can stay in the room instead of a ban but cant comment or whisper. A bit of topic but I would like premiums to also have the option to mute individual premium members because it's not only guests and basics that can get annoying.

Well, I not know what ones you on about, but that not the case for one I know. Also, it not a pay sort of thing to be on any of the gaming streaming sites. Plus like them, it would not have to be limited to just one person. They could have as many or few as they want, that would be down to them. Yes, it may help them more if it someone who visits them a lot and might even give it to who tips them the most, as they are already showing them support by that. But the real fact would come down to who they would trust the most to help them control their rooms with them. Then they could just keep trying to enjoy the time when online here and I would think for most models here that be what they would like, not to keep stopping and dealing with any rude person even if they guest, basic, prem or VIP

Created by: brucespanner

3/28/18 @ 3:37pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 9

I get your point however I still think Moderators are a bad idea. It should never be up to a viewer to decide who stays and who gets banned, that privilege is only for the host. Also some hosts and viewers have that type of relationship where they are 'intentionally rude' to each other, a Moderator might assume its 'real insults' and ban the person. If the host is busy in party or group chat there should be an option for them to retrospectively mute or ban an individual (even if they have left the room) just by clicking on their name. Should a viewer get harassed by another viewer then we should also have an option to mute individual guests (for premiums only). :thumbsup
Created by: xcalibur82

3/29/18 @ 7:43am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 15

I get your point however I still think Moderators are a bad idea. It should never be up to a viewer to decide who stays and who gets banned, that privilege is only for the host. Also some hosts and viewers have that type of relationship where they are 'intentionally rude' to each other, a Moderator might assume its 'real insults' and ban the person. If the host is busy in party or group chat there should be an option for them to retrospectively mute or ban an individual (even if they have left the room) just by clicking on their name. Should a viewer get harassed by another viewer then we should also have an option to mute individual guests (for premiums only). :thumbsup

Your reason gave as an example of why would be bad does not make sense. The member that would have that sort of relationship with the model that you gave, would most likely be a person they would ask to become a mod, as they would understand more what that model is ok with and from who, not someone who does not know a thing. Also if came into effect models I would think would give guidelines to the ones they trust to be the mods, so they would know how they would like them to deal with stuff, and also at any time if don't want someone to be the mod anymore they could remove them from it. That still leaves the model in charge, this would just give them a helping hand. plus like in the start of this topic that I stated models could control what mods can and can not do. Plus your option In your first reply about prems being able to mute prems so just them would then no longer see what is they say is itself a self-monetise system.
Also to reply to some other issues you brought up in it a site admin could confirm this, but from what I have worked out from what a model has said. All of them can mute guess, basics not to fully sure on. But this can only be done if they have a power score at a certain level. If by them using this I not sure if it affects the power score, so if you see guest chatting, that be down to they don't meet that level, or they don't mind them being able to chat. But one thing that does affect the power score is when they ban a member, yes maybe there should be a cost for it, but is it fair that if they keep getting people coming in treating them nastily and like trash they should keep taking the cost for it. A moderating system would save them from that, then It would be fully down to model after the mods action of the ban if want to then place there own ban on that member and take the cost. or it could be set that if the option was set to on it would still affect the model's power score just not as much until they like confirm the ban then it the full cost. But then again they might not need to cause after a mod has taken action against a member, and then they come back after it, it might make them think twice about how to act. But then again they might not. The whole thought is to try to give something more and options to the models on this site to help them and make the time they choose to be on this site more fun and enjoyable.
Created by: r_m

3/29/18 @ 8:20am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: UK

If we are on the subject of people being rude to models then by your reckoning each girl would need several moderators just to cope with the influx. With regards to muting guest and basic chat yes they do need a certain number of boost points but personally I would like to see that scrapped. No one on this site should have to put up with any sort of abuse whether they are the host or a viewer. In my experience (I have paying accounts on several different campsites), moderators have been good at times but they only serve a purpose to a girl who is on multiple sites as she is constantly inundated with messages, whispers, and requests from all sites. I think what bruce is trying to say is that the host should be able to block anyone they want without penalty, they usually ignore the grey and basic messages anyway. Maybe f4f might consider a trail version of this but I personally think it will make no difference. Finally a negative about a moderator is when the host is in a paying show here everyone tends to leave the 'room', would any moderators remain and just watch a black page for 5 mins -1 hr? Again, dues to the host location its not always possible for moderators to be present due to the time difference. if a girl is on form Colombia she would need moderators available during her shift and most people have their own lives to lead. That said, maybe f4f should trail it, if it works then great, but if not then at least they tried. :)
Created by: chrisdk

3/31/18 @ 2:53am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

You DO know that models have all the tools needed to deal with rude (by whatever definition) visitors?
Silencing, kicking out, banning, muting whispers, muting guest users etc. etc.

Sure, a lot to handle one's own room, but I believe such moderator tools should remain in the performers power and when applied consequently, rude visitors will stay away :twocents.
Created by: r_m

3/31/18 @ 6:58am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: UK

You DO know that models have all the tools needed to deal with rude (by whatever definition) visitors?
Silencing, kicking out, banning, muting whispers, muting guest users etc. etc.

Sure, a lot to handle one's own room, but I believe such moderator tools should remain in the performers power and when applied consequently, rude visitors will stay away :twocents.

:thumbsup Totally agree with you!! As I have several accounts on different sites I can confirm being a Moderator is a pointless position. It's their room so they should all do as you just mentioned. F4F however (as i have been told several times by the girls) lowers the rank of the girls who do this so the girls need boosts to counter this. Please F4F if this is true get rid of the rule and allow them to ban, kick, remove, mute anyone who they deem offensive both to them and to others on here.
Created by: xcalibur82

3/31/18 @ 12:34pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 15

You DO know that models have all the tools needed to deal with rude (by whatever definition) visitors?
Silencing, kicking out, banning, muting whispers, muting guest users etc. etc.

Sure, a lot to handle one's own room, but I believe such moderator tools should remain in the performers power and when applied consequently, rude visitors will stay away :twocents.

Yes I do know that models have a lot of tools to deal with such people, but like I did suggest the whole system if came into to affect to try would still be in there power, they can use it or not, decide what active on it, and if want to do so can undo actions if want to.

:thumbsup Totally agree with you!! As I have several accounts on different sites I can confirm being a Moderator is a pointless position. It's their room so they should all do as you just mentioned. F4F however (as i have been told several times by the girls) lowers the rank of the girls who do this so the girls need boosts to counter this. Please F4F if this is true get rid of the rule and allow them to ban, kick, remove, mute anyone who they deem offensive both to them and to others on here.

I have also been told when they ban a member a set amount of power score is taken away from them. But I think that the case for all sites like this as have a ranking system. This is most likely done to stop models from banning people just case they can for whatever small thing the person might have done.

The only people that are going to know if it good or bad for them is going to be the models them self. Plus this whole system is for like when they are away from the pc or laptop doing stuff due to tips. The last thing they might want to do when doing whatever they are doing is keep coming back to sort members out because of how they are behaving in chat. That just ruins what was going on and due to it, they might carry on after sorting it out or just give up on it. Plus I would think most members have been in rooms and seen this sort of thing, plus seen members speak out against other members for being rude and they might of wish they could do something more. This was just an idea that would give models another way to make sure their rooms can be controlled. If it works it works if not it doesn't. No harm on the site giving it some thought, and reaching out to models to get their thoughts.
Created by: r_m

3/31/18 @ 1:06pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: UK

Yes I do know that models have a lot of tools to deal with such people, but like I did suggest the whole system if came into to affect to try would still be in there power, they can use it or not, decide what active on it, and if want to do so can undo actions if want to.

:thumbsup Totally agree with you!! As I have several accounts on different sites I can confirm being a Moderator is a pointless position. It's their room so they should all do as you just mentioned. F4F however (as i have been told several times by the girls) lowers the rank of the girls who do this so the girls need boosts to counter this. Please F4F if this is true get rid of the rule and allow them to ban, kick, remove, mute anyone who they deem offensive both to them and to others on here.

I have also been told when they ban a member a set amount of power score is taken away from them. But I think that the case for all sites like this as have a ranking system. This is most likely done to stop models from banning people just case they can for whatever small thing the person might have done.

The only people that are going to know if it good or bad for them is going to be the models them self. Plus this whole system is for like when they are away from the pc or laptop doing stuff due to tips. The last thing they might want to do when doing whatever they are doing is keep coming back to sort members out because of how they are behaving in chat. That just ruins what was going on and due to it, they might carry on after sorting it out or just give up on it. Plus I would think most members have been in rooms and seen this sort of thing, plus seen members speak out against other members for being rude and they might of wish they could do something more. This was just an idea that would give models another way to make sure their rooms can be controlled. If it works it works if not it doesn't. No harm on the site giving it some thought, and reaching out to models to get their thoughts.

In terms of ranking points this would only be relevant to the 'less popular' models as the top models will always have their loyal followers who will boost enough to allow them to mute/ban offensive viewers without affecting their overall status.

Finally as some girls do work on multiple sites then the use of a moderator on a particular site is pointless.

Created by: chrisdk

4/1/18 @ 2:55am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

F4F however (as i have been told several times by the girls) lowers the rank of the girls who do this so the girls need boosts to counter this.
This is why there is a multilevel system (silencing then kicking out then banning). Only banning lowers a performers power score, the rest they can do as often as they want. :bulb
Created by: gofish

4/1/18 @ 3:46am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,879

There is no forum for general ideas so well post here. You are always trying to find ways to make your site better for the models and members. One idea I would like to suggest would be some sort of moderator system put in place. Like there is in all the major streaming sites. This would allow the models to give some sort of control to members they trust to control the room for them and deal with members that could be overly rude and cruel to them. By given a member this ability it would allow them to see the usernames in the room so they then would be able to control it to 1- clear the chat system fully, 2- just remove what a member may have written and maybe even silence them from writing any more for a set amount of time, 3- The power to fully kick a member out of the room for again set amount of time, 4- The ability to even fully ban a member from the models room for set amount of days. These abilities could be in full control of the models so they can set what ones are active and what the amount of time they are set to. Also maybe someplace on their account, the actions that are taken against members are recorded on it. so if they then want to take more action against members them self they can do so. I think this could help models out as when they might be doing stuff especially within the party chat, they would not have to stop due to people ruining their mode and deal with such members.

Sounds like a cool idea, sort of copying another site out there. Alas the moderator would have to be able to see everyone who whispers which would sort of defeat the purpose of whispering. Nice idea, but the site has enough problems without adding more.

:winkwink :winkwink
Created by: r_m

4/1/18 @ 6:10am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: UK

This is why there is a multilevel system (silencing then kicking out then banning). Only banning lowers a performers power score, the rest they can do as often as they want. :bulb

Then i wish they would do the other things more often. The number of times we ask the viewer to be more polite and the girl asks them as well and they keep annoying us, ruining the mood in the room. Mnot all girls are familiar with this as a long always tell me they have to keep contacting support for any query's.

Created by: yeiiowciaw

4/1/18 @ 1:16pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 130

In my experience performers are perfectly capable of running their rooms, so please no such nonsense as this moderator stuff.
If you want to go around and be a "White Knight": going private is the best way to "save" a performer from all the "evil" in the room.
Created by: alberich

4/2/18 @ 1:24pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

In my experience performers are perfectly capable of running their rooms, so please no such nonsense as this moderator stuff.
If you want to go around and be a "White Knight": going private is the best way to "save" a performer from all the "evil" in the room.

Created by: gofish

4/2/18 @ 1:41pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,879

In my experience performers are perfectly capable of running their rooms, so please no such nonsense as this moderator stuff.
If you want to go around and be a "White Knight": going private is the best way to "save" a performer from all the "evil" in the room.

YeIIowCIaw that is most likely the case, but perhaps some performers would be up for having a moderator handy. As with everything there are always PROS and CONS.

:winkwink :winkwink
Created by: rtyu12

4/2/18 @ 3:26pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

You DO know that models have all the tools needed to deal with rude (by whatever definition) visitors?
Silencing, kicking out, banning, muting whispers, muting guest users etc. etc.

Sure, a lot to handle one's own room, but I believe such moderator tools should remain in the performers power and when applied consequently, rude visitors will stay away :twocents.

completely upto the model please, he or she's the ruler of their room, let them do as they please...agree with Chris
Created by: derek99

4/3/18 @ 12:02pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,326

If I remember correctly, I think there may've been something about possibly having moderators. I think if there are it will have advantages, and disadvantages.

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