We apologize for the inconvenience. Please send a screen shot of the offer you show on your account to customerservice@vsmedia.com. We can honor the discount for you and apply it to your account if you are still having trouble processing it through the system.
Should you still have any questions, please feel free to The call our 24/7 Customer Service Department at 800-685-9236. A representative is always available to assist you Quote
12/23/17 @ 12:30pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Heart of England
Posts: 542
lbtot10 are you referring to the 15% discount on the purchase of videos? I did not read this offer, which I received by email, that it referred to the actual purchase of credits.
Would be interested to learn if there is an offer of a discount to buy credits. Quote
I believe they have to be used to the order they are earned and only during the contest. The discounts go from 15% up to 30% depending on how much you spend.