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(MOVED) Join Me In A Laugh
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Games: (MOVED) Join Me In A Laugh
Created by: g-mann

3/15/09 @ 4:52am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

I know we have a couple of these threads in the VIP Forums. but let's get some fresh jokes from everyone here in the General Forums :thumbsup

:drinkup :drinkup
Created by: g-mann

3/15/09 @ 4:54am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

The teacher ask Timmy, "Why do you have your cat in school today?"

Timmy crying says, " I heard daddy tell mommy, 'I'm gonna tear that PUSSY up when the kids leave!'"

Created by: suggs

3/15/09 @ 5:31am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

Two old ladies are sitting outside their retirement home having a cigarette. At that moment it starts to rain. One of them reaches into her handbag and takes out a condom, and starts to open it. The other says, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, this is to keep my cigarette from getting wet," and so saying she slips the condom over the cigarette and continues smoking.

The other old lady thinks this is brilliant, and the next day walks into a pharmacy with her Zimmer frame, and goes up to the counter.

She asks the assistant, "I'd like to buy a condom, please."

The assistant, looking at this frail old woman with her walking frame says, "Uh, ok madam. Any particular size?"

"Oh, I don''t mind, as long as it's big enough to fit a camel."
Created by: lickau

3/15/09 @ 6:20am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

A couple were in their bedroom and the girl says to her boyfriend, 'I wish I had bigger tits'. The boyfriend says 'well what I recommend is to get some toilet tissue and rub it between your tits for 2 months'. 'How will that help to make my tits bigger?' asks the girlfriend.
'Well it worked for your ass' says the boyfriend.


A lecturer teaching medicine was giving a classoom observation. He took out a jar of yellow liquid. "This," he explained, "is urine. To be a doctor, you have to be observant of color, smell, sight, and taste."

After saying so, he dipped his finger into the jar and put it into his mouth. His class watched in amazement, most in disgust. But being
the good students that they were, the jar was passed, and one by one, they dipped their finger into the jar and put it into their mouths.

After the last student was done, the lecturer shook his head. "If any of you had been observant, you would have noticed that I put my second finger into the jar and my third finger into my mouth."


Two old people, a man and a woman, walk into a hospital. The doctor says to the old man, "I'll need a urine sample, a feces sample, and a blood sample." The old man says, "What?" So the doctor says it again. Once again the old man says, "what?" So the doctor yells it, "I NEED A URINE SAMPLE, A FECES SAMPLE, AND A BLOOD SAMPLE!" With that the old woman turns to the old man and says, "He needs a pair of your underwear!"


There was this woman who had bags under her eyes and wanted to get them removed so she could look younger so she went to a plastic surgeon. She tells the doctor I cant get rid of these bags please help me. The doctor says he is gonna try and new experimental technique on her. He will put a crank in the back of her head and when she sees bags under her eyes she's supposed to crank it and the bags will go away. So she gets this crank put in her head and leaves. It works and works for a while until one day she cant get rid of these bags under her eyes. She cranks and cranks as hard as she can but they just wont go away. So she goes to the doctor. She says to the doctor: "Doctor, this was working for a while, but I cant seem to get rid of these bags under my eyes." The doctor replies: "Lady those aren't bags... those are your tits!" All she had to say was, "Now that would explain why I have this goatee."


A guy is walking past a bus stop and says to a woman "Can I smell your cunt?" "Fuck off, no you can't smell my cunt!" the woman yells back at him, "Oh" he replies, looking slightly confused, "it must be your feet then".


A couple were married and, following the wedding, the husband laid down some rules. "I'll be home when I want, if I want, and at what time I want," he insisted. "And, I don't expect any hassle from you. Also, I expect a decent meal to be on the table every evening, unless I tell you otherwise. I'll go hunting, fishing, boozing, and card-playing with my buddies whenever I want. Those are my rules," he said. "Any comments?" His new bride replied, "No, that's fine with me. But, just understand that there'll be sex here at seven o'clock every night... whether you're here or not."

Created by: Kamilaa

3/15/09 @ 6:41am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

ahaha :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh
Created by: Kamilaa

3/15/09 @ 6:50am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

A blonde went to the appliance store sale and found a bargain. "I would like to buy this TV," she told the salesman.

"Sorry, we don't sell to blondes," he replied.

She hurried home and dyed her hair, then came back and again told the salesman, "I would like to buy this TV."

"Sorry, we don't sell to blondes," he replied.

"Darn, he recognized me," she thought.

She went for a complete disguise this time; haircut and new color, new outfit, big sunglasses, then waited a few days before she again approached the salesman. "I would like to buy this TV."

"Sorry, we don't sell to blondes," he replied.

Frustrated, she exclaimed, "How do you know I'm a blonde?"

"Because that's a microwave," he replied.

:orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh
Created by: _smile

3/15/09 @ 7:25am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: outhouse in the country

A little kid asked an adult,"why do farts smell?"The adult answered,"That is so that deaf people can have a laugh too". :bowdown (this little purple guy looks like he is smelling himself)
Created by: _

3/15/09 @ 9:40am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Netherland

Two crazy are walking by high brick wall when one asks the other
"what do you think is behind this wall"
"No idea" the other one says
"But if you climb on my shoulders you can look over it"
So they do that and when the one is looking over the wall he exclaims
"Wow, I see naked people everywhere"
"Are they man or woman" the other one asks
"Can't tell, they are not wearing any clothes"

Two crazy people walk over a road
then one of them asks the other one
"Can I walk in the middle now?"
Penney Z
Created by: Penney Z

3/15/09 @ 12:14pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

Once there was a white guy who had a girlfriend named Wendy. He loved her very much, so he had her name tattooed on his penis - when erect, it showed WENDY, when down, just WY.
One day he decided to go on holidays to Jamaica and while there he had to use a public restroom. While he was pissing he noticed a black guy doing the same thing next to him and he also had WY on his cock! Amused, our white guy asked 'Oh, is your girls name Wendy too?' to hear the answer 'No, I have a tat that says "Welcome to Jamaica and have a nice day!"'.
Created by: hotdick23

3/15/09 @ 12:48pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

Why the jokes with blondes are so short???
Because the brunettes ones and the red hair ones have to understand them too
Created by: jayismadaboutsheryl

3/15/09 @ 3:00pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: In Sheryl's heart
Posts: 348

Good topic G-mann..Do u have a jk with poems too?lol
Created by: g-mann

3/16/09 @ 7:19pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

There once was a fellow McSweeny
Who spilled some gin on his weenie
Just to be couth
He added vermouth
Then slipped his girlfriend a martini


There once was a fellow O'Doole
Who found little red spots on his tool
His Doctor a cynic
said Get out of me clinic,
And wipe off that lipstick you fool!


There once was a man from Madrass
Whose balls were made out of brass
When he'd bang 'em together
They'd play stormy weather
And lightning would shoot out of his ass


There once was a man from Bonaire
Who was doing his wife on the stair
When the banister broke
He doubled his stroke
And finished her off in midair

Created by: Kamilaa

3/17/09 @ 10:23am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

Before included in a gas chamber, tablet : "Carefully step"

Created by: _

3/17/09 @ 10:55am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Netherland

Punishment for Anal Sex

There is a priest who is summoned by the archbishop. He had to leave for several days. So he looked for a priest to fill in for him in the confession box. He called every priest he knew. None were available. He finally called a Rabbi.

The Rabbi said "I don't know, our religions are very different." The priest said "It's okay you line the sin up with the punishment on this chart." The rabbi gave in and decided to fill in. The next few days the rabbi listened to confessions and helped the people.

The third day a man came in and said"Father forgive me for I have sinned." Rabbi: How have you sinned?" Man: "I had anal sex." The rabbi was stumped for that sin was not on the chart. So the rabbi asked the man to wait. The rabbi asked everyone what the punishment was for anal sex bu no one could giv him the answer.

Finally an altar boy walked in. The rabbi asked what does the father give you for anal sex? The altar boy replied "Usually two cookies and a glass of milk."
Created by: g-mann

3/17/09 @ 11:36am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

McCarthy walked into a bar and ordered martini after martini, each time removing the olives and placing them in a jar. When the jar was filled with olives and all the drinks consumed, he started to leave.
"Excuse me," said a customer, who was puzzled over what McCarthy had done. "What was that all about?"
"Nothing," he replied, "my wife just sent me out for a jar of olives."

:drinkup :drinkup
Created by: hotdick23

3/18/09 @ 2:54pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

Created by: g-mann

3/30/09 @ 5:59pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

The Loving Husband
A man and his ever-nagging wife went on vacation to Jerusalem. While they were there, the wife passed away.

The undertaker told the husband, "You can have her shipped home for $5,000, or you can bury her here, in the Holy Land, for $150."

The man thought about it and told him he would just have her shipped home.

The undertaker asked, "Why would you spend $5,000 to ship your wife home, when it would be wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only $150?"

The man replied, "Long ago a man died here, was buried here, and three days later he rose from the dead. I just can't take that chance."

Created by: ozzieboy4u

3/30/09 @ 6:27pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Under Saphira's Bed with the wand
Posts: 3,075

A large, powerfully-built guy meets a woman at a bar. After a number of drinks, they agree to go back to his place. As they are making out in the bedroom, he stands up and starts to undress.

After he takes his shirt off, he flexes his muscular arms and says, "See that, baby? That''s 1000 pounds of dynamite!" She begins to drool.

The man drops his pants, strikes a bodybuilder''s pose, and says, referring to his bulging thighs, "See those, baby? That''s 1000 pounds of dynamite!" She is aching for action at this point.

Finally, he drops his underpants, and after a quick glance, she grabs her purse and runs screaming to the front door.

He catches her before she is able to leave and asks, "Why are you in such a hurry to go?"

She replies, "With 2000 pounds of dynamite and such a short fuse, I was afraid you were about to blow!"
Created by: Kamilaa

3/31/09 @ 1:14pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00


1. Your boss is always yelling, "I wanna see your ass in here by 8:00!"

2. Can take advantage of computer monitor radiation to work on your tan.

3. "I'd love to chip in, but I left my wallet in my pants."

4. To stop those creepy guys in Marketing from looking down your blouse.

5. You want to see if it's like the dream.

6. So that with a little help from Muzak you can add "Exotic Dancer" to your exaggerated resume.

7. People stop stealing your pens after they've seen where you keep them.

8. Diverts attention from the fact that you also came to work drunk.

9. Gives "bad hair day" a whole new meaning.

10. No one steals your chair.

:orglaugh :winkwink
Created by: lickau

3/31/09 @ 2:16pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

Top 10 Things to do at the Mall

10. At the bottom of an escalator, scream "MY SHOELACES! AAAGH!"
9. At the stylist, ask to have the hair on your back permed.

8. Ask a saleswoman whether a particular shade of panties matches the color of your beard.

7. Sneak up on saleswomen at the perfume counter and spray them with your own bottle of Eau de Swanke.

6. Collect stacks of paint brochures and hand them out as religious tracts.

5. At the pet store, ask if they have bulk discounts on gerbils, and whether there's much meat on them.

4. Hand a stack of pants back to the changing room attendant and scornfully announce that none of them are "leak proof".

3. Ask appliance personnel if they have any TVs that play only in Spanish.

2. Try pants on backwards at the Gap. Ask the salesperson if they make your butt look big.

1. Show people your driver's license and demand to know "whether they've seen this man."



10. Lately, she sits at the computer naked.

9. After signing off, he always has a cigarette.

8. The giant rubber inflatable disk drive.

7. In the morning, the computer screen is all fogged up.

6. He's gotten amazingly good at typing with one hand.

5. Every day, Bill Gates sends 10 million dollars worth of flowers.

4. The jam in the laser printer is a pair of underwear.

3. During sex she screams "A COLON BACKSLASH ENTER INSERT!!!!"

2. The fax file is filled with pictures of some guy's ass.

1. Lipstick on the mouse.


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