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Two Weeks Without Whispers
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News & Announcements: Two Weeks Without Whispers
Created by: phriend

2/11/12 @ 3:30pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I have privates where the model and I just chat. But if I want to set up a ceretain scenerio for a private I don't want to waste the valuable time in private to set it up. The models should be able to control whether or not whispers are allowed in their rooms.
I'm sure F4F sees this as a potential to get the customer to spend more time in private. For me I'll vote with my $'s no whispers no privates. I will not be buying anymore credits and use the few i have currently since you already have that money.
Created by: rollerr

2/11/12 @ 3:43pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 40

I am a Member by the way. :drinkup
Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/11/12 @ 3:48pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

I am a Member by the way. :drinkup

Hail Member!

Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/11/12 @ 3:54pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

Re vote with spending. Show them what for by 2 weeks of dearth, etc etc.

Well that's where I have to desert my comrades in arms. The women here are too wonderful not to be enjoyed for all but world threatening reasons. So you won't see my spending habits change.

You see I think that whole bit of it has to show up in the bottom line is also false. Fact is that businesses do things all the time that make themselves feel like good citizens that do not directly effect their bottom line.

So to those businesses that use that as an excuse to be bloody tyrants, well you aren't going to keep us from thinking you're a bloody tyrant. People may not like very much the ceo but still enjoy the product. Life is short, people complex.

But I think you know very very well where you stand with me.

Created by: jelly420

2/11/12 @ 4:38pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 132

Re vote with spending. Show them what for by 2 weeks of dearth, etc etc.

Well that's where I have to desert my comrades in arms. The women here are too wonderful not to be enjoyed for all but world threatening reasons. So you won't see my spending habits change.

You see I think that whole bit of it has to show up in the bottom line is also false. Fact is that businesses do things all the time that make themselves feel like good citizens that do not directly effect their bottom line.

So to those businesses that use that as an excuse to be bloody tyrants, well you aren't going to keep us from thinking you're a bloody tyrant. People may not like very much the ceo but still enjoy the product. Life is short, people complex.

But I think you know very very well where you stand with me.

The only way a financial boycott works is if, in this case, hundreds of us stop spending money. A dozen or so won't make a lick of difference, there's plenty of big spenders and models in "Premiere" status that'll compensate the dozen or so that stop spending.
Created by: nastytalker

2/11/12 @ 4:53pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: in your bedroom where you can abuse my hot ass
Posts: 161

the people that are pro whisper are not the only ones that spend money , i think we will have a good decision get rid of the asbuser an still let u have a limted amount of whispers
Created by: heavyb

2/11/12 @ 4:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 2

My extensive survey of models (a total of 3 :winkwink ) indicates that they would rather have the whisper back. 2 of them were using their twitter for people who wanted to whisper things to them. So any disjointed conversation argument is bogus there because now they were watching their phones and the computer screen.

One of them made an excelent point about using the whisper to agree to boundaries with people who have cetain fetishes. She gave some details of what they say, and I have no desire to read that on my screen. If she's cool with it, and thats your thing then whatever floats your boat, but I don't wanna know. Also, if you are into that sort of thing and she is not, then the private will not be a satisfying experience. Better that you both know and agree on such things before you start the private.

I personally use the whisper for:
a) personal comments to the model
b) whispering sweet nothings to my Angel :winkwink
c) making the occasional smarta$$ comment

Again, I'll say those who perfer the whisper are probably more of a silent majority (shy, quiet, reflective folks who like to keep their bussiness private). My experience in the bussiness world is that you don't get a lot of people calling or e-mailing to say they like your product. If they like it they just use it and enjoy it. But when you cross that silent majority then they will be compelled to make their voices heard (even if what they want is the option to not have their voices heard because they are whispering).

Not shure what else you are looking at, but from the replies to this thread your experiment isn't setting well with your customers.
Created by: slvlasl-l

2/11/12 @ 5:48pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 790

Dear the fourteen people that still read and participate in the forums:

We don't care what your opinion is, we'd rather listen to the eight people that nag us to death directly by calling the 800 number.

Love always,
Created by: bubagump

2/11/12 @ 9:01pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Mind of insanity
Posts: 5

Just my :twocents here, I'm defiantly pro whisper. For reasons that have already been mentioned above many times. I do know that technically it should be possible for the performer to choose to block or allow whispers, it is after all their room.

again just my :twocents
and normally I don't post on forums but this is one of the few times where I had to speak up.

Have a great day.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/11/12 @ 9:31pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

This whole topic shouldn't even be an issue, similar to 99% of these forums. The problem is immature users, as well as some models, and taking something away isn't going to fix or change that.

Well if we were all mature, all the time, it would be easy true. We have to admit that this is a hard place to find the right balance though. Some of us think that a little rowdiness is fun and since we are here to have fun is that so wrong? But that's part of what makes it hard of course.

Another thing that makes it hard is that it is a place of business. And everybody is a customer. So hurtful things can be justified by pleasing the customer. Or maximizing profit.

But that isn't responsible. One thing I notice happens as a counter example is I notice the interaction with the models mellowing and maturing people. They start with rough edges and soften with time.

So another argument that I think has weight is that you give trust and freedom to all, let them make their mistakes, correct their mistakes by brief personal punishments, and let them grow.

If you never give them freedom or never correct them they don't mature.

Flirt isn't in the business of running a kindergarten I realize but like many businesses finds itself in a position to do some service to society if it is so inclined.

Just leave my rough edges alone lol!

Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/11/12 @ 9:46pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

I don't see why regulations need to be put in place other than letting the models regulate their own rooms. I have NEVER been in a room and ignored by a model in deference to a whisperer. My experience has never been lessened by a whisperer because the models tend to all guests evenly or they tell the chronic whisperer to stop. So to those who say they are ignored I am curious, who are these models that ignore you and if they regularly ignore WHY do you keep going to those rooms? Further, why do all sensible whisperers have to be penalized/regulated because you choose to go to rooms where you get ignored? If I were ignored as has been described I wouldn't return to that room. A model can't be all that great if they neglect potential clients.

My fav part of a great input.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/11/12 @ 9:58pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

RUMOR: Forums and Mail are causing a disjointed chat experience, next on axe list. :drinkup

And what does whiskey do for it?

Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/11/12 @ 10:08pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

Oh I mean there is a whole vein of untapped gold in this issue yet. I must protest to the abolishonist who said we are starting to spin.

We haven't even begun to have some fun with what testing for a disjoint chat experience must be like.

Picture the Flirt control center. Maybe with the theme from Get Smart in the background. A bunch of serious dudes clustered around the computer screens.

By each screen is some kind of disorienting device. To use as control. (yes CONTROL ref)

Some screens have coke. Some have pot. Some have jack. And by one of them, the most heavily wired, is a special keyboard. With an enormous / key.

Data scrolls. Printers spew paper. The faces grow more intent. Bathed in electroluminescent glow.

They use the Spicoli scale to measure disorientation. Hyper logarithmic. It is the only possible way to be sure they can track the disorientation of the whisper.

You've heard of trying to measure a neutrino event? It ain't nothing like this. Not anywhere as important for posterity either.

They thought they had a 4.0 Spicoli event earlier. But it was a false positive. So they had to increase the amperage.

Coincidence counters. Scintillation detectors. Oscillation overthrusters. Experts from 19 world class universities.

But not a single disorientation event for the journals. But just like those hunting for the gravity wave, or the perpetual high, these innovators will not throw in the towel, they will never rest until:

Created by: cj22_22

2/11/12 @ 10:14pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 5

I'd like to add one more reason to keep the whisper, because the situation just came up in a new Russian male model's room.

His English is not the best. Whenever that happens, I usually whisper something to clarify a statement in English for him. Also, even if it's a new native English speaker, sometimes they don't understand the Flirt system very well. I can't tell you how many times I had to talk models through the Group Chat procedure when it was first introduced.

This is how members make friends here. They appreciate our help because your monitors and studio chiefs sure as hell aren't helping them.

Please keep the whisper.

great point Ken, I have done the same and have made great connections with the model. We earn a trust with each other and the chat experience is fun for both of us.
Created by: cj22_22

2/11/12 @ 10:16pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 5

I'd like to add one more reason to keep the whisper, because the situation just came up in a new Russian male model's room.His English is not the best. Whenever that happens, I usually whisper something to clarify a statement in English for him. Also, even if it's a new native English speaker, sometimes they don't understand the Flirt system very well. I can't tell you how many times I had to talk models through the Group Chat procedure when it was first introduced.This is how members make friends here. They appreciate our help because your monitors and studio chiefs sure as hell aren't helping them.Please keep the whisper.

I'd like to add one more reason to keep the whisper, because the situation just came up in a new Russian male model's room.

His English is not the best. Whenever that happens, I usually whisper something to clarify a statement in English for him. Also, even if it's a new native English speaker, sometimes they don't understand the Flirt system very well. I can't tell you how many times I had to talk models through the Group Chat procedure when it was first introduced.

This is how members make friends here. They appreciate our help because your monitors and studio chiefs sure as hell aren't helping them.

Please keep the whisper.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/11/12 @ 10:31pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

I'm fine with the no whispers thing. If you do decide to put it back in, I like the limit on whispers idea. The Models aren't Psychologists. They don't want to hear how bad your life sucks for the three hours your in their room, not tipping or going Private. :thumbsup

lol at the models aren't psychologists.

But the model who doesn't wanna be a Freud can hit BAN.

Now I on the other hand am an amateur psychologist. I practice around here all the time. And let me tell ya:


Patient: What do you mean?

Ride: S.. T.. O.. P.. I.. T.. It is not yiddish. Just stop it.

Patient: But my girlfriend left me, they always do, it's my mother's doing you know and...

Ride: Now now we don't go there. No need to go there.

Patient: And *sob* this chat is so disorienting and...

Ride: STOP IT!!!

Patient: I hate this therapy.

Ride: What seems to be the problem with it, my friend?

Patient: All you do is say STOP IT. I find it very... disorienting.

Ride: Yes I thought you might. But you think we are proceding too fast do you?

Patient: Yes. *sniff* yes I do.

Ride: Ok well I have a 13 word treaTment for you that I think will help. You might want to write it down.

Patient: (fumbling for pen) Ok. Go ahead.


Created by: ronnie-uk

2/11/12 @ 10:47pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: London, UK
Posts: 2,381

And what does whiskey do for it?

Whoaaaa dudley..... :)

You have posted 32 times in this topic (from a quick count). This topic is long enough already :orglaugh

Let us concentrate on the reasons why some members want whispers, and some don't - please :helpme
Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/11/12 @ 10:57pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

Whoaaaa dudley..... :)

You have posted 32 times in this topic (from a quick count). This topic is long enough already :orglaugh

Let us concentrate on the reasons why some members want whispers, and some don't - please :helpme

Ah you mean come to some kind of mutual agreement without having a software constraint on us?

I can do that.

Didn't have to remove a feature to do it either.

Very well. Done.

Created by: olddad12

2/11/12 @ 11:13pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: new jersey
Posts: 25

just for te record i was in a model room that i visit often an he was against removing whispers but now he admits the room runs more smoothly without them he does not have to track so many conversatoins
Created by: scarolina1

2/11/12 @ 11:21pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 8

i like the no whisper makes the room a lot better the modle is talking to ever one not just one or two ever one is a part of the chat and his in put hope it dont come back

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