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Two Weeks Without Whispers
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News & Announcements: Two Weeks Without Whispers
Created by: b@se

2/10/12 @ 6:51pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: jabaduu
Posts: 3

whispering is the most anyoing thing which flirt ever used to add on that site, can you imagine a guy comes every day to his fav model and tell her about his situations in realtime (coz we all know flirt is just an escape from stress on work for others it is the only conversation they have in life ), and i agree some things i dont wanna share with anyone in free , but my personaly opinion is if you want be more personal with the model so take prv or use her flirt email to write about personallife. models in here are not DR FREUDS which you can come and bothering with your personal stuff this site shall be made for having fun and not to talk about personal things

and honestly i think they are working not from passion on a sex site they wanna earn money nothing else

i vote for an agreement like the flirt game 60 mins in a room gives 60 points just once a day how about after 7-8 whispers the 9th will be visible for all in the models room so everyone who is like to whisper better think bevor about what personal things he wanna talk and not just totaly boring stuff to keep the model away from work or use the only real true option to talk

Created by: gooday85

2/10/12 @ 8:01pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 28

Interesting comments on this topic, both for and con, Brad. As you know I am against whispers, but it is funny to hear all of the discussion on the for side. What did I start? LOL Some of pro gave me some ideas that I never thought of, but sure it cuts down on potential privates. I wanted to go private with a fav model of mine and he was whispering. I commented on it and he said I was rude. It turned me off, so I left. I was prepared for an hour private!
Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/10/12 @ 9:57pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

OK so you have a disruptive member who happens to be disrupting things via whisper in some chat room. Why does there need to be any vehicle other than BAN? By the model. Existing mechanism.

How is being obnoxious via whisper any different from any other form of obnoxiousness?

It ain't.

If the foot fetisher gets too excited and fills the chat screen with text, the model can BAN him too.

It doesn't add up. So I don't really buy the argument that it is because of horrible disruption. That is why I buy instead the "more sinister" motivation, which doesn't seem so sinister I realize to the guy in the 'fun, fun, fun chat is fun bubble'. It's about atmosphere. Noise. More than anything else.

That's why the response is so simple. NO! You don't get to set the noise level on the stereo ALL the time.

We like it quiet. You like it loud. Now let's be adults and accomodate. Sometimes we play it loud and sometimes we play it soft. We don't drive the other k1ds out of the playground or steal the volume control on the stereo.

Being an adult ain't much fun. K1ds hate it. But that is really what this is about. We have some ch1ldren who can't play with the other k1ds. It has to be their way ALL the time. And it looks as if the harried playground monitors will actually indulge their selfish little picture of things instead of ... well.. the metaphore should probably be terminated at this point, regretfully.

Grow up. Be inclusive. And for those who should be running a nice playground: don't fall for bullshit hiding selfishness.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/10/12 @ 10:06pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

I love to see a good debate in the forums, and I have read the 245 posts (so far) on this topic here and in the General Discussions forum.

At the risk of being attacked from both sides, could I summarise what appear to be the main arguments for and against whispering to models:


- giving confidential advice or warnings to newer models (eg best to wait for tip before showing)

- making confidential suggestions (eg if you do group chat now for 500, I will go up to 250)

- avoiding embarassment in asking about particular fetishes or unusual requests

- avoiding intimidation by badly behaved members who ridicule, criticise or belittle

- making the relationship with the model feel more personal and intimate


- making the model appear unresponsive, and not "live"

- making the chat room appear dead and empty

- making the regular users feel excluded

- causing confusion when model replies to whispers rather than on-screen questions

If this is a fair summary, I think the balance of the argument is in favour of whispering. However, the negative aspects are reduced if whispering can be kept to a minimum.

There have been some interesting compromise solutions suggested including: whisper limits, making whispers available to VIPs only, letting individual models decide whether some or all members in their room can whisper, and general warnings or comments to discourage too much whispering.

One new suggestion: VS have made it easier to whisper by simply requiring a "/" before typing the whisper. Previously it was necessary to type "/" and the first 3 letters of the model's name and a space. Perhaps if it was necessary to type something like "/whisper/" first, it might keep down the amount of whispering. Just a thought....

So my direct answer to you is no limitation of the whisper should be made.

The model should simply BAN if there is a problem.

There is no need to compromise regarding the feature. Compromise is realized by give and take in the room. Case by case. Day by day. Model rules the room

Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/10/12 @ 10:46pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Maybe some more detail would help regarding why no compromise should be made re. the feature.

If it is a slow day for example, and the poor lonely model has but a single person in her room, it is not a bad day for the verbose whisperer to really have at it. She will be glad for any business. Why in the world would you want a hard limit in this case? Just because there is some SMALL, fucking tiny tiny SMALL, chance he might be an asshole? That makes no sense.

But what if he were an asshole? And she decided that she didn't want to deal with him. Oh, she has a BAN button in easy reach. In less than a second he is winging his way over the electronic matterhorn and everything is peachy keen as far as cool guys to asshole quotients go in that particular room.

Ah but what if it is a busy busy day. She has a headache. She just wants smoooooooth sailing with no noise. Weeeeeeeeeell, she has a ban button. If she sees ugly blotches of some color on her screen she can highlight and ban them all to kingdom come. And she can do this with very little danger to her future income. Because..... WE GET IT. SHE CAN BAN US WHEN SHE NEEDS TO!!!!

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, gotta say that BAN button looks like the answer for what should be the big issue.
Created by: rheza111

2/10/12 @ 10:57pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: just to the left of center
Posts: 2,431

the bottom line is the bottom line. The question being asked and tested is having whispering profitable. If the answer is no, say good bye to whispering
Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/10/12 @ 11:01pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

the bottom line is the bottom line. The question being asked and tested is having whispering profitable. If the answer is no, say good bye to whispering

Then it's a fucking tragedy that I get horny when I write long forum posts.

Created by: brett025

2/11/12 @ 12:02am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,170

I would like to see what the models themselves have to say about this, afterall they are the ones that have to deal with it. I haven't had any models the last few days make a comment one way or another, but I only visit a few so really hard to get a concensus from just a few.

I personally have never whispered, but have seen it abused by several members where it really interupts the room. When the model reply's to whispers it can distract from the flow and theme of the current chat, and it's not hard to figure out what was asked.

I have read most of the responses, and think that it should be a function for VIP users only and a charge of a credit per whisper for all non-VIP's with the credit going to the model.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/11/12 @ 12:25am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Oh and hey, lurkers, all the same reasoning applies to you. You don't disrupt. So the only objection to you is that you contribute to an "undesirable atmosphere for business" = quieter chat rooms.

Prediction: If this ridiculous policy holds and whisper is no more, kiss your peaceful quiet goodbye too.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

2/11/12 @ 1:01am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

...Calm down, it's only a 2 week trial to see how it works!!! I am sure that whispering will be reinstated in some form after the 2 week period. :)

Care to put any money on the line for that bet?

Ever worked for a big company? Seen the kind of decisions that management makes?

And why should the form be different from unlimited whisper? Oh that would make sense from a cost cutting point of view I guess. Managers love to cut costs.

But as you well know from reading these posts some of us feel there is a little more at stake here.

Created by: kertus

2/11/12 @ 3:10am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: The Planet Piiiing
Posts: 880

... 'fraid gonna have ta cancel my gold membership for a start ... not payin' for things i thought i had but don't ... i'll switch it back on when i an' if i get back wat i thought i had ...
Created by: ken_in_china

2/11/12 @ 6:26am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Hong Kong
Posts: 38

I'd like to add one more reason to keep the whisper, because the situation just came up in a new Russian male model's room.

His English is not the best. Whenever that happens, I usually whisper something to clarify a statement in English for him. Also, even if it's a new native English speaker, sometimes they don't understand the Flirt system very well. I can't tell you how many times I had to talk models through the Group Chat procedure when it was first introduced.

This is how members make friends here. They appreciate our help because your monitors and studio chiefs sure as hell aren't helping them.

Please keep the whisper.
Created by: steve-1959-uk

2/11/12 @ 6:56am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: London, United Kingdom
Posts: 9

If you didn't want to make the Chat Conversations dis-jointed, then let the model whisper back to the customer... simple!!!

PS: Why would anyone want to Whisper in Private Chat ????
Created by: groundhog617

2/11/12 @ 8:10am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: G-SPOT
Posts: 652

If you didn't want to make the Chat Conversations dis-jointed, then let the model whisper back to the customer... simple!!!

PS: Why would anyone want to Whisper in Private Chat ????

i'm with the old group i would have a personal chat with the one new we were even chatting to each did not bother the chat with everyone else. they could whisper back in group at the time.
Created by: sircumsalot

2/11/12 @ 8:48am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 309

Well, looks like I'm done here.

The problem wasn't the whispering. The problem lies with the grays and other spam that populate this site.
And, while I'm at it, the VIP membership I had left a lot to be desired. Not exactly a good value. Good thing I cancelled it after a month.

I am not saying I expected special treatment because of all the money I have spent here throughout the years, but I expected a more. Two week trial period or not, see ya later.
Created by: pj_456

2/11/12 @ 9:07am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 143

:twocents I usually only visit maybe 3-4 rooms. I see just as many VIP members if not more then non VIP whispering. So from my experience limiting whispers to VIP's I don't think will help the situation. Oh and btw I am a VIP member. Sometimes I don't have the extra cash to re-new my VIP right away and I would like to still have the option to whisper as a non VIP. As to credits per whisper, don't we spend enough already? Give me a break please!

No matter what we what do, or what it is, there will always be people that abuse the system. There will always be a difference of opinion.

If VS thinks the whisper issue is so bad and they don't want it to get worse, maybe new members should not be able to whisper. The option to whisper is here and I don't think it should be taken away from current members.

Let the models run there rooms and restrict whispers if needed. :twocents
Created by: sircumsalot

2/11/12 @ 9:11am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 309

To be clear, I wasn't expecting "something for nothing". I just am a bit dismayed at the decision.
In either case, have fun. Lesson learned ;-)
Created by: pj_456

2/11/12 @ 9:24am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 143

To be clear, I wasn't expecting "something for nothing".

That was just a general statement. Did not mean to offend anyone. I removed it from my post. It's difficult to say something on here without offending someone. Sorry.
Created by: carousel

2/11/12 @ 9:25am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: forgotten backroad standing still in time
Posts: 761

To be clear, I wasn't expecting "something for nothing".

I don't like seeing things that can actually work taken away. I'm not sure that makes me pro whisper, but who cares about labels.
It boils down to business savvy, professionalism, and being in control - not letting things run a muck. Every objection I read to whispers indicates that's the crux of the problem, in one way shape or form ... models not in control.

Isn't it strange how Purgatory and Groundhog's view of the 'old' way is different, of course, depending on where they are on this topic.
People will speculate, and that's all it is speculation, as to why models no longer can whisper. But management does have some moral character, they don't tell you, and you don't need to know, everything.

Then, as now, models had their favorites users as well. Often they'd start a conversation with an (OMG) whisper. (Now why do you suppose they'd do that?) The only people that knew they were whispering were the people being whispered to. Models I visited 'back then' were quite responsible with the chat flow in their rooms, seemed the whole world, minus 1, adored them. Of course, that's probably why you don't have to look past the first line of the legends page to figure out who they are/were. And just for the record, notice how many of those are not native English speakers.
Funny how I never had to shout for attention, interrupt the multi-diverse conversation, or dominate the chat with whisper, or do any of the things aforementioned in this thread ... and for the most part, that users 'old guard', and their ever diminishing bully pulpit that's still around, didn't even know I existed.

The real issue (and i'll repeat myself) is best described as a torrent of little chi1dren running around in a minefield (users), some armed with weapons (moderators - offended by the smallest imperfections, they are usually power freaks), the flagship of internet discussion, spam, and flame wars.

It'd be great if people could check themselves at the door. Just look at all the bar fights and shootings around night clubs or...
all the versions of whisper threads that have been started after management put them to rest and told people where this thread was - definitely chi1dren.

This whole topic shouldn't even be an issue, similar to 99% of these forums. The problem is immature users, as well as some models, and taking something away isn't going to fix or change that.
Created by: sircumsalot

2/11/12 @ 9:26am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 309

That was just a general statement. Did not mean to offend anyone. I removed it from my post. It's difficult to say something on here without offending someone. Sorry.

You didn't offend me, so no worries. I just think the decision by the powers that be leaves much to be desired.
Oh well. I guess it's good to be the King, eh?


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