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Open Room Flash Interface Support Will Be Removed 07/14/14
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News & Announcements: Open Room Flash Interface Support Will Be Removed 07/14/14
Created by: wonderboi2009

7/17/14 @ 12:10am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Kansas, US
Posts: 417

@wonderboi2009 There is nothing within the javascript anymore that will automatically bounce a user from the offline page. I'm going to see if maybe another process outside the javascript is doing this. Thanks for reporting this.

specific scenario--model was in free chat. He logged out without going on break first. Saw his new format offline room page for a second (said "I'm offline" and still had the new stuff on the right side) and then it bounced to another random online room.

Using the rooms URL for any performer still gets the old version of the offline page which I happen to like as a place to wait so i can see which of my favorites are online, in party/group/show, etc. as well as a nice sized bio pic of the model whose room I chose.
Created by: vs_doug

7/17/14 @ 1:47pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: VS Media Inc.
Posts: 196

@wonderboi2009 Thanks posting more information on this. Could help me reproduce this. I looked at the javascript yesterday and it only shows the offline view and makes the model list panel visible so that users can make their own decision.

There has to be another process that's overriding this behavior. Haven't found it yet, but I will.
Created by: brett025

7/17/14 @ 5:49pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,170

@Tim@54 We recently replaced the standard login process with instant show logins for the new interface. Since you already log into your account initially, there's no need anymore to retype your username and password to enter a show.

In terms of the blackout during private issue, I will have a fix out for this early this week.

Doug - I just did an offer show and had to go through the login process again after entering my offer, based on your comment above this shouldn't be happening any longer correct?

Created by: zyxwv098

7/17/14 @ 5:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 883

Doug - I just did an offer show and had to go through the login process again after entering my offer, based on your comment above this shouldn't be happening any longer correct?

I think the Offer system still requires the login. What Vs_Doug is referring is what was happening on the new interface (not the old one, as far as I can recall) in which, after clicking on "Go Private" or "Go Multi-User" or "Go Premiere" we would then need to enter our login data again. Now that step has been removed and, unless a performer has active deal codes available, we go straight from the chat screen directly into the private. If the performer has a deal available, the system will apparently pause in the instant login to give us a chance to enter the code.

Perhaps the login for the Offer is required because it is different from the instant login, in that this particular private show needs the acceptance of the model? Though if that is the case, it would be nice if it would remember our login data.

Created by: brett025

7/17/14 @ 6:06pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,170

I think the Offer system still requires the login. What Vs_Doug is referring is what was happening on the new interface (not the old one, as far as I can recall) in which, after clicking on "Go Private" or "Go Multi-User" or "Go Premiere" we would then need to enter our login data again. Now that step has been removed and, unless a performer has active deal codes available, we go straight from the chat screen directly into the private. If the performer has a deal available, the system will apparently pause in the instant login to give us a chance to enter the code.

Perhaps the login for the Offer is required because it is different from the instant login, in that this particular private show needs the acceptance of the model? Though if that is the case, it would be nice if it would remember our login data.

His response was to an "offer" option, I posted the original users question below so it's all in one place for him. Perhaps he was mistaken. I hadn't gone private since the old interface was removed on Monday, but was surprised to still see the Old Interface option/button still available in the private session.

I am getting use to the new interface however can you fix the offer option to remember my password and signon name as do the privates? Also, I am still experiencing when in private the blackout/flash for a few seconds when someone else enters the private or leaves Thanks :thumbsup

Created by: sly_old_fox

7/18/14 @ 10:31am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 4

I think the new interface was just a bad idea from the beginning.if you needed to accomplish things because of the new technology there were better ways to do could of ask the members their opinion before ramming this down their throat.I think you might even realize it now but probably won`t change it now.hindsight is always a long time member i just don`t see this as a good alternative.
Created by: zyxwv098

7/18/14 @ 12:31pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 883

I think the new interface was just a bad idea from the beginning.if you needed to accomplish things because of the new technology there were better ways to do could of ask the members their opinion before ramming this down their throat.I think you might even realize it now but probably won`t change it now.hindsight is always a long time member i just don`t see this as a good alternative.

The new interface was not "rammed down our throats". It was introduced back in March. Members' opinions were asked/have been asked since then. The old interface was kept available the entire time BECAUSE of the members' opinions and feedback.
Created by: vs_doug

7/18/14 @ 1:20pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: VS Media Inc.
Posts: 196

@Brett025 Good catch on show offers. Show offers are still showing a login because it's a different process, but just like standard logins, we should be able to eliminate it there too.

It would only be a small change on my side. I'm going to discuss this with our backend dev team and see what it would take on their end to ditch that login for show offers.
Created by: vs_doug

7/18/14 @ 1:23pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: VS Media Inc.
Posts: 196

@Brett025 In terms of the video glitching in private, please try completely clearing your cache. Since my update on Monday, we've had many users report that the problem was fixed for them. It could be that your browser has a cached version with the bug.
Created by: cudddler3

7/18/14 @ 10:45pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: saskatchewan canada
Posts: 2

with the new interface my video is totally blurry with a green bar along the top 1/3 of screen making it impossible to see anything, please tell me there is a fix for this or i will be gone forever also and if u look at my account history since 2009 im guessing i spent upwards of 40000 dollars with your company, please correct
Created by: purgatory

7/19/14 @ 5:50am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

with the new interface my video is totally blurry with a green bar along the top 1/3 of screen making it impossible to see anything, please tell me there is a fix for this or i will be gone forever also and if u look at my account history since 2009 im guessing i spent upwards of 40000 dollars with your company, please correct


Give them a bit more information mate, can you answer some of the following below, it will make it easier to help you. Also can you take a screenshot of the problem you have and add it here using a service like to upload it and just paste the link here so the site techs can see the exact problem you see.

1- PC/Laptop brand and model number or other device you maybe using(Eg. Ipad,Iphone,Android tablets or phones).

2- Operating system used (eg. windows 7 or 8 etc, if it's 32 bit or 64bit version, Android OS version and IOS version on Apple devices)

3- Web browser you are using to access the site and it's version (eg. firefox, internet explorer, chrome, safari,netscape,opera, if it's a mobile browser eg Puffin browser etc.)

4- Adobe flash player version you have installed ( ) link will tell you version you have installed.

5- Security programs you have installed (eg. Norton security suites or virus checkers or firewall programs).

6- What your internet speed is ( ) will tell you the speed of your connection. Just post the results in reply.

7- Type of internet connection you use Wifi, cable, or mobile internet.

8- Have you made sure to update your operating system to latest patches ?

9- Are you using to access the site or some other site ? Try if you are I know some people have problems on other sites for some reasons.

10- Are you using the New Interface or Old Interface for the site when you have these problems (You can still use the old interface in private, it has only been removed from the open room options) ?

11- Anything else that maybe unique to your setup. Let us know.


Created by: wonderboi2009

7/19/14 @ 3:04pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Kansas, US
Posts: 417

@wonderboi2009 Thanks posting more information on this. Could help me reproduce this. I looked at the javascript yesterday and it only shows the offline view and makes the model list panel visible so that users can make their own decision.

There has to be another process that's overriding this behavior. Haven't found it yet, but I will.

There was a comment in another thread that implied this happened to them on an "unable to connect to video stream" error trying to get into a room, so maybe it is in the error handler when the video stream drops/fails to connect or something like that?

Created by: niteshift

7/20/14 @ 4:17am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 9

The cloud, NSA, and technology is advancing way to fast. Soon you'll need a app to roll with the punches or turn the page, the choice is made even for this business let alone us its users.
If you all used f4f years ago and seen the progress made as I have its amazing. It's change people hate because we have to learn and use our heads "not our little heads" F4F RULES :)
Created by: justin2.0

7/21/14 @ 1:48am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: USA
Posts: 10

P.S. Interface works great for me, Listen to purg that boy knows his stuff, anyway ty to all the people who worked hard on this and other product issues. :drinkup
Created by: vs_doug

7/21/14 @ 6:46pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: VS Media Inc.
Posts: 196

@CUDDDLER3 This sounds like a single model was having issues broadcasting their video. Were you seeing this for more than one model?

I ask because we don't have anything in place to put blur filters on our videos or any UI or anything that will pop over the video as a green bar. Though I have seen cases in the past where color bars and blurriness occurred within model feeds due to it being incorrectly configured or due to split screen problems.
Created by: vs_doug

7/21/14 @ 7:07pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: VS Media Inc.
Posts: 196

@Brett025 and All, discussing the show offers login a bit further with backend dev, we decided that we are going to keep it but slightly modify the way it's presented.

The original purpose of that login was not to log a user in to the system or into private like the standard show login, but its original purpose has always been to confirm that the user intends to spend X amount of credits on a show X minutes long with a certain rate as negotiated between the user and model. Since you are required to enter your password, we can be sure that it's you and not someone else spending your credits.

A show offer could result in the user is spending hundreds or thousands of credits in one show. So we want to make sure that the owner of the account is the one submitting the show offer.

So instead of getting rid of this functionality to make it similar to the way we do instant show logins, we are instead going to restyle that form to be a confirmation form so that its intended purpose is more accessible and it shouldn't be confused as much with the old, standard login.

As a sidebar, the fact that it's meant to be a confirmation is also the reason why we've never added a 'remember me' option.
Created by: kfoster

7/22/14 @ 12:15pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 2

Some of my biggest complaints with the new interface is the tab system.
I am a fast reader of chat, and I used to be able to scroll down and see when my favorite models came online, or when the chat went off it adifferent way, I could look at what other models were available.
I used the bottom portion of the window and my scrolling wheel significantly. Now, I have to use a tab system, and with the sizing on the bubbles/text, I can't follow the chat well enough to do any of that.

My second complaint is the "jumbled-ness" (I know it is a bad description, but I couldn't think of how else to describ it). The Group Chat countdown clock is jumbled together at the bottom and the fonting is unclear as to what number means what (goal v default pledge). Everything appears jumbled and pulls my focus away from the model and onto the clutter.

I have chosen not to use the new interface because of this, since it was first introduced. As a consumer, I don't have to choose to like or move with you in your desire to move into HTML5.

I might be able to accept it, but not with this layout. I'm finding myself more focused on the incomprehensible layout than the models and chats/flirtation (which are the reason I spend money).

If you want to respond, I would welcome it. If not, I respect that and hope you respect that I will probably move on to another site.

Created by: zyxwv098

7/22/14 @ 1:30pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 883

I don't work for VS (maybe I should ask for a commission though), but please let me try to help you out a little.

Some of my biggest complaints with the new interface is the tab system.
I am a fast reader of chat, and I used to be able to scroll down and see when my favorite models came online, or when the chat went off it adifferent way, I could look at what other models were available.
I used the bottom portion of the window and my scrolling wheel significantly. Now, I have to use a tab system, and with the sizing on the bubbles/text, I can't follow the chat well enough to do any of that.

By clicking on the "A" in the bar above the text box, you can turn on/off the bubbles, align the text to the right or left or leave it split model-member (in the middle), and adjust the text size to suit your preferences. Aligning the text to the left will make it better resemble the old interface, so that might be all you need to feel comfortable with it again.

If you remember, on the old interface you would need to scroll down to see who's online, losing the video feed in the process. On the new interface, you can click the "view other online performers" tab and still see the video feed. Using the scrolling wheel, you need only scroll up and down, then instead of scrolling all the way back up to the top, you can just click the "open chat conversation" tab and jump right back to it. The red number over the tab lets you know how much chat has gone on while you were looking at who else was online, and then you can just scroll up and down in the chat to catch up.

My second complaint is the "jumbled-ness" (I know it is a bad description, but I couldn't think of how else to describ it). The Group Chat countdown clock is jumbled together at the bottom and the fonting is unclear as to what number means what (goal v default pledge). Everything appears jumbled and pulls my focus away from the model and onto the clutter.

The number in the white box to the right of the blue Pledge bar is the minimum pledge amount. Above that in a small box are the countdown clock, the credit goal ("show starts at" with the goal amount in green) and the current amount of pledges in larger, boxier numbers below that.

On the right above the text box, it give you the information in a slightly different way. It gives you a display of what percent of the goal has been met, as well as tell you how many credits of the goal were pledged and a horizontal gauge going from left to right. It also tells you how long the show will be.

I have chosen not to use the new interface because of this, since it was first introduced. As a consumer, I don't have to choose to like or move with you in your desire to move into HTML5.

I might be able to accept it, but not with this layout. I'm finding myself more focused on the incomprehensible layout than the models and chats/flirtation (which are the reason I spend money).

If you want to respond, I would welcome it. If not, I respect that and hope you respect that I will probably move on to another site.


Adjusting to the new interface does not take very long. If you give it a chance and force yourself to use it, I am sure you will become familiar with it very quickly. When it was first introduced, members identified problem areas and VS staff addressed them...and continue to do so as new complaints arise (the text alignment, for example).

In fact, you will only really be using the top two tabs regularly to jump between the "open chat conversation" and "view other online performers". You can choose to buy credits from the room page if you want, but that will only be occasionally. The Favorites and Notifications tabs are one-click tabs, turning them on or off. The other tab you might use would be the Model Profile tab, which shows you the information that was at the bottom of the old interface. If the model uses Flirt Phone, that tab will be active, and the New Promos tab only appears on promo days. Clicking on More and the downward arrow lets you access the model's VODs (if any are available), send a power boost, or join the model's fan club (if any). But again, you'll likely be using only the top two tabs regularly.

It should just take a little time and effort to get used to it, then you can resume your enjoyment of the site.

(As a workaround, though, if you open a tab to an offline room, you can still see the old interface layout of who's online.)
Created by: kfoster

7/22/14 @ 4:07pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 2

If you remember, on the old interface you would need to scroll down to see who's online, losing the video feed in the process.

I didn't "lose the video feed" when I scrolled down. You may have, but I didn't. It was scrolled up off the monitor, but still functioning. Now I have to deal with a tabbing system that I find cluttered and jumbled. It isn't a clean monitor, the way I would prefer.
The tab for available models resizes and forces ALOT more scrolling than I ever had to before. Only 2-4 model images per line, versus, 10+ per line. Scrolling through the new screen layout is quite cumbersome.

On the new interface, you can click the "view other online performers" tab and still see the video feed. Using the scrolling wheel, you need only scroll up and down, then instead of scrolling all the way back up to the top, you can just click the "open chat conversation" tab and jump right back to it. The red number over the tab lets you know how much chat has gone on while you were looking at who else was online, and then you can just scroll up and down in the chat to catch up.

I am also aware of this, but it is the functionality that I dislike most. You may enjoy the tabbing scenario, I do not. I could handle other layout issues, but this one is probably the most un-user-friendly piece of the layout.

Even the proportions of the visual to textual creates a problem. And size any re-sizing doesn't (and never has) remained from model to model, it is really unenjoyable.

The number in the white box to the right of the blue Pledge bar is the minimum pledge amount. Above that in a small box are the countdown clock, the credit goal ("show starts at" with the goal amount in green) and the current amount of pledges in larger, boxier numbers below that.

On the right above the text box, it give you the information in a slightly different way. It gives you a display of what percent of the goal has been met, as well as tell you how many credits of the goal were pledged and a horizontal gauge going from left to right. It also tells you how long the show will be.

None of that addresses the jumbled and cluttered look of the screen. Nor does it address the pull of my focus or balancing of the "screen real-estate".

If you give it a chance and force yourself to use it, I am sure you will become familiar with it very quickly.

I kinda of resent your assumption that I HAVEN'T given it a chance. I have. And, I am NOT enjoying it. I've been trying since the feature was introduced, on/off again, several times. As a consumer, I have decided that the interface/layout does not warrant my monthly subscription or purchases. The value isn't present if I am so distracted by the screen layout away from the things I enjoy.

Adjusting to the new interface does not take very long. When it was first introduced, members identified problem areas and VS staff addressed them...and continue to do so as new complaints arise (the text alignment, for example).

I haven't claimed they are ignoring things. I am stating my issues.

I can subscribe to another service, or go to a differnt site, if my opinion is not respected.

Thank you for your input.
Created by: acelan

7/22/14 @ 5:53pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 27

I didn't "lose the video feed" when I scrolled down. You may have, but I didn't. It was scrolled up off the monitor, but still functioning. Now I have to deal with a tabbing system that I find cluttered and jumbled. It isn't a clean monitor, the way I would prefer.
The tab for available models resizes and forces ALOT more scrolling than I ever had to before. Only 2-4 model images per line, versus, 10+ per line. Scrolling through the new screen layout is quite cumbersome.

On the new interface, you can click the "view other online performers" tab and still see the video feed. Using the scrolling wheel, you need only scroll up and down, then instead of scrolling all the way back up to the top, you can just click the "open chat conversation" tab and jump right back to it. The red number over the tab lets you know how much chat has gone on while you were looking at who else was online, and then you can just scroll up and down in the chat to catch up.

I am also aware of this, but it is the functionality that I dislike most. You may enjoy the tabbing scenario, I do not. I could handle other layout issues, but this one is probably the most un-user-friendly piece of the layout.

Even the proportions of the visual to textual creates a problem. And size any re-sizing doesn't (and never has) remained from model to model, it is really unenjoyable.

The number in the white box to the right of the blue Pledge bar is the minimum pledge amount. Above that in a small box are the countdown clock, the credit goal ("show starts at" with the goal amount in green) and the current amount of pledges in larger, boxier numbers below that.

On the right above the text box, it give you the information in a slightly different way. It gives you a display of what percent of the goal has been met, as well as tell you how many credits of the goal were pledged and a horizontal gauge going from left to right. It also tells you how long the show will be.

None of that addresses the jumbled and cluttered look of the screen. Nor does it address the pull of my focus or balancing of the "screen real-estate".

If you give it a chance and force yourself to use it, I am sure you will become familiar with it very quickly.

I kinda of resent your assumption that I HAVEN'T given it a chance. I have. And, I am NOT enjoying it. I've been trying since the feature was introduced, on/off again, several times. As a consumer, I have decided that the interface/layout does not warrant my monthly subscription or purchases. The value isn't present if I am so distracted by the screen layout away from the things I enjoy.

Adjusting to the new interface does not take very long. When it was first introduced, members identified problem areas and VS staff addressed them...and continue to do so as new complaints arise (the text alignment, for example).

I haven't claimed they are ignoring things. I am stating my issues.

I can subscribe to another service, or go to a differnt site, if my opinion is not respected.

Thank you for your input.

Nice response and thought out thoroughly KFoster :thumbsup

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