2/3/12 @ 12:40pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: California, USA
Posts: 3,429
This change was prompted by two main forces; the first of which was it was frequently brought up in the 2011 year-end survey. Many of you felt that the current tipping options did not provide enough flexibility and/or were too high.
Second, we wanted to create an atmosphere where for just a few credits you could add some fun to a room and make a performer smile ;)
Eventually we'd like to move towards a completely dynamic tipping model where you can just type in any amount you want.
Brad Quote
2/3/12 @ 4:15pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Driving Down Thunder Road
Posts: 4,747
2/3/12 @ 7:31pm
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Location: California, USA
Posts: 3,429
...Nice new addition, thanks Brad
...When does it start?
It's available now on all servers, but if your browser has an old version of the interface cached you'll need to refresh to pick-up the new code.
2/3/12 @ 7:32pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: California, USA
Posts: 3,429
Definitely something we've discussed, just not on the upcoming slate of projects.
2/3/12 @ 8:08pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285
A few models freaked out with 25 option returning before .
It is hard for a model to count tips and entertain Quote
I second this post. Sounds like a great idea. Quote
me 3 like this idea
And me 4 ...on several occasions I've wished there was some way to chip in for a poster who's carried a party or group on a previous night but who happens to be out at the time. Or has just been a great contributor in free chat.
LOL, as for the new 5 & 10 cred tips, I thought that was just a software glitch. Several of us had a lot of fun carrying on with them last night and the models seemed to find it funny too. I guess I need to start reading the announcements. Quote
2/6/12 @ 5:56am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Heart of England
Posts: 542
The suggestion that a memeber could subsidise another is very interesting. Could help well for Group Chat shows where there is a regular fan club in attendance and one memeber happens to be down on their heels that day.
However, maybe a limit should be imposed.
The 5 and 10 credit tipping option. There for fun? Actually I thought it was a program error and as one model said - it is an insult to receive such a small tip.
I understand that a tip of 5 credits costing 50 cents to us equates to 8 cents (5pence in UK) to that model and 42 cents to Administration. What are they supposed to do in a Party for such a derisory sum?
2/6/12 @ 7:31am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Macbeth Towers
Posts: 45
I was wondering how models would react to this also, so I asked my favorite what he thought of the 5's and 10's. His quite sensible reply was to say he needed a few days to monitor the results before forming an opinion.
Just speaking anecdotally: I seem to be spending more total creds rather than less in a model's room; it's fun and all those 10 cred pops add up. Further, a few minor tips can serve to keep a tipping party active through those otherwise slow stretches and also seem to trigger larger tips (or so it seemed to me).
Admittedly, this is all new right now. I would bet you 500 creds that management will pull it soon enough if it results in a net decrease in revenue. Quote
2/7/12 @ 9:30am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: California, USA
Posts: 3,429
- In terms of a counter, we have a new version of our broadcasting software that will do better at this and make it easier for performers. It's in the works.
- So far the # of tips per day doubled after the change and total credits used in tips as well. The # of customers tipping shot up about 30%.
- Love the "purple mist" comment. I think we should make the tips look a little different in the chat even more than they already are which might increase the fun-factor; ideas welcomed.
All in all I think the 5cr & 10cr options are doing well. Sometimes it's more fun to tip multiple times and have some fun with it. I usually steer clear of the strip-club metaphors, but in this case I think it's relevant as to why it works. It's a lot more fun to get a stack of $1 bills ;)
Brad Quote
2/7/12 @ 11:41am
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Location: Driving Down Thunder Road
Posts: 4,747
2/7/12 @ 11:09pm
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Location: California, USA
Posts: 3,429
We are continuing to explore options in this regard. I don't have any concrete details at this time but it's a need that is on our list.