louisphillipe said: "typing incessantly to who the hell knows whom"
Well, that is a complaint many of us have. Sometimes they are answering a question from their monitor or admin in their studio. But, MORE LIKELY they are responding to WHISPER messages from others in the room (And, of course, you have no way of knowing if other users are in the room, if they are only talking in whispers, unless they are guest users who can't whisper.)
My favorite model is very friendly and will talk to anyone who talks to him. I keep telling him that long, drawn-out "whisper" sessions BORES THE CRAP out of everyone else in the room. Sure, if the matter is indeed PRIVATE, that is what it is for. But for general conversation with a first time visitor (how old are you, where are you from, how big is your .,.. etc.) WHY NOT reply in OPEN chat, so others can see (and perhaps get their questions answered so they don't have to ask them again). But he thinks it is an insult to take it public if the person did a whisper message. I can see his point, but it is still frustrating.
Yes, I can understand it if the model knows this is a BIG TIPPER and wants to keep him happy. But, in many cases, we are talking about lower tier registered users or first time visitors to his room. (Yes, I know models know if a visitor has credits, thought not how many, and usually will pay more attention to higher tier members and VIPs.)
The BEST chat rooms I have been in on F4F had LOTS of people conversing with the model (and each other, to some extent) in open chat. And I think those rooms were better for models in terms of tips, since we kind of egged on each other to do so! I am hardly never seeiing anything like that today.