Some of us (clients) are attracted to different types, so you should play up your type, AND like the above performer said, do not make up a bunch of things about yourself unless we want some role play. You may get asked something technical that you can't answer.
Next, some of us are more comfortable and stay in your room if we feel welcome and we have your undivided attention. Let me repeat that, UNDIVIDED ATTENTION. So if you have 3, 4, 5, sites you are talking to, don't make it so obvious with all the different dinging and ringing of tips. Turn that volume down and slow down.
Ask us what we like to do before all the top/bottom/feet/lick/suck/fuck/rim/69/toy/ questions. Some of us are shy outside of this site and need some warming up. Think about the psychology of WHO COMES TO THIS SITE AND EVENTUALLY PAYS FOR PRIVATE SESSIONS. You need to break some of us out of our shell gently and make us feel like we are the center of your attention which we may not get outside of the site. We may not go private the first time, but we will certainly remember the best hosts and eventually become your best customer. We want a host that makes us feel confident about ourselves and a host that we aspire to "date". Make your client feel like you would date him/her if you are both on the outside!
If you don't exude some confidence, we look for someone else. You will also develop your performance over time. Maybe watch other performers, see what they do? Like another previous post said, it does not happen right away.
Lastly, "baby", "bb" is getting old and tired as a term to use. It is somewhat especially demeaning when a performer/model asks for tips. Use something more endearing and personal like, "hi love" or "hi sweethert". Or tell them they are amazing or really wonderful.
"Baby" or "bb" lumps us all into that category of "a generic paying customer". We are paying customers, but we pay more if you make us feel good about ourselves and make us feel SPECIAL.
Get it? Now go get them TIGER!!!!!
Sincerely, Bryce