I am also new and would love to go far and make some good money. Any help is greatly appreciated. Quote
consistency = often models get discouraged and stop trying
friendliness = stay friendly but don't burn yourself out; find a balance, you don't have to say hi to every grey user
be real = it's easy to spot liars, if you don't want to tell something about yourself, just say so; don't make up lies
change/adapt= be willing to adapt if something isn't working.
don't reinvent the wheel= watch successful models work
i have about 10 more but that will get you started. Quote
A nice background or backdrop that enhances your sexiness. One model had a trash bag behind him and a total wreck/mess of an apartment. I had to leave the room, it just didn't seem appropriate or professional. It doesn't need to be an expensive studio set up, just a sexy clutter free area.
Best of luck guys!! Quote