I like to talk and ask people about their days and such but i got a lot of pushback from a certain few members... It seems like a very split opinion on whether or not a performer should interact just to interact or be solely for the money. I personally feel that its important to just hang out and leave pvt shows as an open thing not something i try to force everybody into but it seems like it costs me a lot of viewers. What do other people think on this? Only been here about a week or so!

looking for your 


and unbiased ALWAYS correct opinion

I joined this prestigious learning institution way back in
2005 when the ONLY interaction was with caring chatting "friends" in
black and white and not just models and.. that was what
made F4F/VS famous ( and very rich $$$$$$$ by the way..


To my opinion it was the perfect formula for success creating
a specialized unique and unusual service found nowhere else...

We visited rooms with friends that told us "how was your day??...
what is new???...Glad to see you again mate!!...hey there!! long time no see!!"
and other things like that

it was a real pleasure...ROFLMAO!!

a very exclusive private club where we came to see pals to hang out...

Well...now we have robotic greetings,OHMIBODs,models on the cell phones,
multiple sites shows,"take me private I'm horny" before hey or hello...
Yes...your approach will create a steady base of fans for sure not a continuous
"show ass" show feet" show cock" sort of clientele
My biggest wishes for success and long fruitful career handsome!!
The viewers that don't like it is the ones you don't want to have
in your room... ;)))believe me!!