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Forums / Male Performer Chat

Why was this thread removed
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Male Performer Chat: Why was this thread removed
Created by: johnwit

6/10/16 @ 4:07am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: The Pleistocene
Posts: 28

I know that I have changed this slightly but I would love it if F4F could tell me why this posting and all the associated replies were removed from the site. What is wrong with actual facts with no rude bits or threats etc

This is not an insult to any performer or to F4F. It is way for both to obtain a greater income. And for all performers to be fair to each other
Are the days of privates and groups being phased out and will soon become a thing of the past? Yesterday I visited 124 different rooms in the space of 2 hours. in those visits 77 were fully naked many with toys inserted in the ass, 45 were masturbating and 23 were cuming/ had just cum. All of these were in open chat rooms The point is, in all these visits I only saw a total of 120 credits tipped. There seemed to be many guests chatting/demanding in the rooms

Further to these there were a number of performers in party chat with many guests (ranging from 50 to 85) with all sorts of requests, mainly from grey users and again very few tips.
Performers, this is the source of you income, do you think the chat room is the place to tempt to pvt or is it now a place to perform for free and you receive minimal income.
And surely the system is losing money without guests having to purchase credits for full cum shows.

Does F4F have any rules and requirements about what can be done in open chat and if so why are not they being maintained for the good of all its performers. I see the same concern is being expressed in the female forum as well

Created by: chrisdk

6/10/16 @ 4:11am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

and my reply to the previous version:

Yesterday I visited 124 different rooms in the space of 2 hours. in those visits 77 were fully naked many with toys inserted in the ass, 45 were masturbating and 23 were cuming/ had just cum. All of these were in open chat rooms The point is, in all these visits I only saw a total of 120 credits tipped. There seemed to be many guests chatting/demanding in the rooms
omg :( ... love the dedication and effort you put into this ...
I was thinking I didn't have fun going into new rooms, because I am so happy right now *pokes Dylan* and just didn't find anything interesting and excitingly new for me ... but it is true, more and more people come here for short cheap thrills and private shows are valued less and less amongst visitors, since they get to see everything they want.
This is bad for performers who still try to do it differently, since some members just search for a room where they get to see things for free. :twocents

Does F4F have any rules and requirements about what can be done in open chat and if so why are not they being maintained for the good of all its performers
Yes they do ... and you would be surprised how "old" this discussion is ... there were times when performers being naked in open would be reported to admins with the risk of getting banned ... but as you see, times have changed, admins have changed, and as long as new performers stream in daily nobody seems to care really :(

See for example this thread started 2009 in the female performer forum:
Created by: virgilcircle9

6/10/16 @ 4:40am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: universities of the world
Posts: 342

:angel Thanks John, You have not changed much and said what i wanted :drinkup :drinkup
Akim X
Created by: Akim X

6/10/16 @ 2:47pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

At last times I see too much critical posts from members on forum. Even feeling sad for network cuz all just saying what they don't like. In result now started "hype" on forum.:mad
Why kinda themes removing? Seems just cuz it making flame for nothing. You seeing a lot nudity and what you are don't like it and I'm agree that some models doing a lot shows for freebies, but this is not fault of F4F. And from all technical side (on which admins of network could influence) they doing good and "thank you" to F4F team for that really. System of support for models working good too and for this thank you too. For such big network it's not easy but they doing great. :thumbsup
But no one instead members not able to influence on models behavior in open chat. Guys if you are really don't like nudity in free area or something - you already have control on it: you could leave room, you could tipping to dress on to this model, and sure you could support those models who not getting nude before show/party/group. This is in your's hands only. You are whole controlling in this situation really. :twocents
Created by: chrisdk

6/11/16 @ 2:28pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

At last times I see too much critical posts from members on forum. Even feeling sad for network cuz all just saying what they don't like. In result now started "hype" on forum.:mad
Why kinda themes removing? Seems just cuz it making flame for nothing. You seeing a lot nudity and what you are don't like it and I'm agree that some models doing a lot shows for freebies, but this is not fault of F4F. And from all technical side (on which admins of network could influence) they doing good and "thank you" to F4F team for that really. System of support for models working good too and for this thank you too. For such big network it's not easy but they doing great. :thumbsup
But no one instead members not able to influence on models behavior in open chat. Guys if you are really don't like nudity in free area or something - you already have control on it: you could leave room, you could tipping to dress on to this model, and sure you could support those models who not getting nude before show/party/group. This is in your's hands only. You are whole controlling in this situation really. :twocents

My apologies Akim. I believe, if performers would more often interact on this forum to give us such a positive feedback from their point of view about the things going on behind the scenes, us members might not complain so much and often. So thank you for your clear words.

You are right that, we can leave a room or try to educate a performer where we think it's necessary or simply go to those models who still understand how to tease.

However, the problem that arises from too much nudity is with greys AND basic users, who think they have the right to demand nudity in other rooms and on trying to educate those members or asking them to leave, they become offensive, leave bad reviews etc.
It is such members who are even more encouraged by too much nudity in other open chat rooms - and grey users in addition by enjoying party chats for free - who are the problem for all of us: members who DO tip/boost/prvt to have a good time here, performers who DO react on requests that come with an appropriate tip AND last but not least this site who'd prefer to have us all happy and not bothered by rude (in fact ANY type of) requests from people who couldn't make a contribution to the room.
Anthonio Moss
Created by: Anthonio Moss

10/17/17 @ 7:22pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

My apologies Akim. I believe, if performers would more often interact on this forum to give us such a positive feedback from their point of view about the things going on behind the scenes, us members might not complain so much and often. So thank you for your clear words.

You are right that, we can leave a room or try to educate a performer where we think it's necessary or simply go to those models who still understand how to tease.

However, the problem that arises from too much nudity is with greys AND basic users, who think they have the right to demand nudity in other rooms and on trying to educate those members or asking them to leave, they become offensive, leave bad reviews etc.
It is such members who are even more encouraged by too much nudity in other open chat rooms - and grey users in addition by enjoying party chats for free - who are the problem for all of us: members who DO tip/boost/prvt to have a good time here, performers who DO react on requests that come with an appropriate tip AND last but not least this site who'd prefer to have us all happy and not bothered by rude (in fact ANY type of) requests from people who couldn't make a contribution to the room.

Anthonio Moss
Created by: Anthonio Moss

10/17/17 @ 7:25pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Word!!! I couldn't agree more! This nudity thing has gone way too far on the website! Most of the performers are naked in free chat,showing everythiong for free and that's not good at all.It's free chat,not FREE SHOW! This has gone way too far! So bad for the business!

Danny Grant
Created by: Danny Grant

10/17/17 @ 7:52pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Omg that topc is since last year, and the things are going worst lol
Anthonio Moss
Created by: Anthonio Moss

10/17/17 @ 8:32pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Omg that topc is since last year, and the things are going worst lol

Exactly!And it will be even worse than that...:(
Created by: johnwit

10/17/17 @ 8:59pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: The Pleistocene
Posts: 28

:evil Yes it is getting worse, and rapidly increasing... but we all can help. FFF do respond and act if screenshots are taken and emailed to or just on the FFF "contact us" and mark it naked in open chat. If you do not like it, do something about it!!
Danny Grant
Created by: Danny Grant

10/17/17 @ 9:17pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

:evil Yes it is getting worse, and rapidly increasing... but we all can help. FFF do respond and act if screenshots are taken and emailed to or just on the FFF "contact us" and mark it naked in open chat. If you do not like it, do something about it!!

Come on, we can t do anything, flirt see all what is happening on site, if were not allowed were stoped already, but maybe is allowed nudity lately, i don t know rules exactly
Anthonio Moss
Created by: Anthonio Moss

10/17/17 @ 9:18pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

:evil Yes it is getting worse, and rapidly increasing... but we all can help. FFF do respond and act if screenshots are taken and emailed to or just on the FFF "contact us" and mark it naked in open chat. If you do not like it, do something about it!!

My friend,trust me we did that!!! We really did!They just "don't want to see it".I really don't understand why.Me and other models did that,we did anything possible to stop what's going on on the site with this nudity.They just don't want to listen!It's crazy! One more thing,it's not a model's job to take screenshots of other model's being naked in free chat and showing everything.It's their job to see how things go on the siteBuuuut,even so,we did that!And still nothing...
Created by: johnwit

10/17/17 @ 10:11pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: The Pleistocene
Posts: 28

Danny, you said you dont know the rules. This posting on the General Discussion section of the forum from VsJim, might help you.

"Model cannot perform in open chat. Sometimes for a small tip they are allowed to flash briefly. If you see any model performing in open chat you may email us to report it."

It is not up to you guys to be monitoring the site, but if you discover it then why not report it???
Anwar D
Created by: Anwar D

10/20/17 @ 8:31am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Can you blame them? Since this hole party chat and 95% nudity story began, the incomes for those willing to do it increased and the incomes for those who did not do it decreased. That is why many good models left the site ( read the topics on the subject). This happens because of the lack of support of many members for a good quality of the service offered. Lack of communication, the invasion of porn, all come to this. I am very sure that if people would appreciate quality more than quantity like it was 7 years ago things would be much different ( and by quality I refer too : speaking more than your native language, being able to entertain a person both mentally and physically etc.). Unfortunatelly we lack patience nowadays. Who has the patience anymore to wait and get to know a person? The conclusion, and I probably upset again so many people here is that many members complain about this and still many models that do it are more lucrative.
It is just my own opinion, and please respect it and do not take it personal.
Anthonio Moss
Created by: Anthonio Moss

10/21/17 @ 3:10pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Can you blame them? Since this hole party chat and 95% nudity story began, the incomes for those willing to do it increased and the incomes for those who did not do it decreased. That is why many good models left the site ( read the topics on the subject). This happens because of the lack of support of many members for a good quality of the service offered. Lack of communication, the invasion of porn, all come to this. I am very sure that if people would appreciate quality more than quantity like it was 7 years ago things would be much different ( and by quality I refer too : speaking more than your native language, being able to entertain a person both mentally and physically etc.). Unfortunatelly we lack patience nowadays. Who has the patience anymore to wait and get to know a person? The conclusion, and I probably upset again so many people here is that many members complain about this and still many models that do it are more lucrative.
It is just my own opinion, and please respect it and do not take it personal.

Word! Very well said man! Indeed things have gone crazy.My oppinion is that both models and the site should do something about it and stop all this nudity in open room.Maybe some of the models that show everything really make some money(although I doubt it).I've visited so many rooms and the customers there just sit and watch.There's a member tipping every now and then but not too many credits.Of course nobody tips as long as they can see everything for free!All this is so bad for the business!!! It will soon all come to just doing webcamming for pleasure!Everyone will be naked in open room and just do it for pleasure...:(
Created by: gofish

10/21/17 @ 3:28pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,879

Can you blame them? Since this hole party chat and 95% nudity story began, the incomes for those willing to do it increased and the incomes for those who did not do it decreased. That is why many good models left the site ( read the topics on the subject). This happens because of the lack of support of many members for a good quality of the service offered. Lack of communication, the invasion of porn, all come to this. I am very sure that if people would appreciate quality more than quantity like it was 7 years ago things would be much different ( and by quality I refer too : speaking more than your native language, being able to entertain a person both mentally and physically etc.). Unfortunatelly we lack patience nowadays. Who has the patience anymore to wait and get to know a person? The conclusion, and I probably upset again so many people here is that many members complain about this and still many models that do it are more lucrative.
It is just my own opinion, and please respect it and do not take it personal.

Anwar first of all well said. One thing you might have missed out on is the fact that many of the quality members on the site might have also left as well. There is often a lack of connection in chat rooms anymore unless the member pumping out the credits. The former HELLO has become something from the past unless it is one of those automatic responses. Whispering has become the way to communicate both by members and performers to the point that chatroom are empty. The mass viewers have no intend to talk but rather lurk a round in hopes of catching some ass or cock.
In short it is a real shame with the way the site is going both for the real members and the those quality performers who took a real interest in those visiting the chat room.

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