Unfortunately, the majority of
belami models are only interested in gaining the most number of credits for doing the least amount of work! They mainly appear online when there is a contest to win showing their true motivation which is greedy wealth. Most are snobs and think they are better than all the rest. As a result, it is far better to spend your time with the sexy Colombian models who really do know how to perform delicious shows.
belami models could learn a lot from them, as even when they do perform a sex show, it is rarely convincing and usually does not turn you on the same way as the Colombians do. I used to befriend the
belami models but soon found out that I would never be left with credits if I wanted to see enjoyable sex action from them. Therefore, I spent my credits elsewhere where I am more likely to really enjoy the show without being disappointed that I have wasted thousands of credits.
The flirt contest system is a joke because the
belami models always win!
belami models should be excluded from certain contests to give other models a chance to win. To be honest, Flirt should really think about changing the contest calendar to give more types of models a chance to win. For example, have contests which are exclusively for: couples and groups,
belami only, new models, regional models only (for example, South Amercian),.......
belami models have a small exclusive audience who are willing to pay over 10,000 credits at a time. Hopefully they will soon realise they can get better value for money elsewhere!