vulan are you insinuating that f4f have an understanding of the relationship between income and basic and grey users. in a party study, taken by sts students.. it was found that 4 percent of users were premium members or above and of that 4 percent only 3.5 % actually tipped. . Even at economics 101 the simplest of student would suggest some ting is wrong
And yes years ago things were very different.. the site was not plagued with people demanding everything for free or sitting as basic and trying to get twitter or flash or contacts by other ways than f4f.... flirting was fun and free. maybe the meaning of flirt has changed,
and models can't do much about things. banning costs them levels and bonus points
you say you will leave.. others leave or have left because of the uncontrolled shambles that the site has become... quad erat demonstrandum
No, I am not insinuating what you said. I said this: "I'm pretty sure flirt knows its customer statistics better than any of us do." That's not the same thing you had me insinuating. On the other hand, it's not hard for f4f to see buying patterns and draw inferences. For example, they know who buys and spends credits on Friday--the weekly workers who get paid on Friday and live pay check to pay check. Versus those like I used to be: when I wanted to stock up to lavish thousands of credits on my favorite performer, f4f could easily see me buying in bulk, then later spending in bulk. Flirt knows those things far better than you do.
I can't say about "years ago" as you do. I go back only as far as early 2014. I have seen the proliferation of pink antennae sticking out of men's butts, the requisite melodrama associated with the tingles, the increase in loud, obnoxious music in many models' rooms, the incessant juggling of multiple sites by models and their increasing reliance on twitter, onlyfans, etc. for their income. Customers clamoring for free stuff has remained steady in my opinion. But I can't address pre-2014 customer behavior.
As for models being punished for banning viewers, I've heard this and that now and then. The only two things I know are that my favorite model banned a small handful of really rude customers in his three years on flirt without being punished himself; and one rather successful model who is still here has ejected (not banned) me probably a half dozen times for going to his room, tipping and not talking. I once asked f4f what was up with that, and flirt told me it's usually for misbehavior and is the model's discretion. Not talking was misbehavior to him.
I didn't say I will leave. I said if the model bans me, I won't be back. "Can't" would have been a better word. I will leave flirt when I get tired of it, but I won't be back to see a model who bans me even if I'm tipping myself to the poorhouse.
I don't think the site is uncontrolled shambles, and you certainly didn't prove it is. Models want money, and if customers are totally happy to see the models shake, rattle and roll to the pink antennae tingles, then flirt is a success and flirt knows it better than its customers. And, by the way, the Latin phrase is quod erat demonstrandum.