This was posted here but has disappeared without any message either on screen or by email
What is going on... is f4f dying... over the past few weeks rooms on the top couple of rows in the log in page, or in the number 1 big box, only have 60 or so users in the room for parties and only two or three of them are premium members. There used to be 200 or so in many rooms
Is the f4f system limiting numbers etc in rooms??
there were no replies but the models at the Romania summit this week asked about it and were told..... from the Romania summit... no answers here but f4f know about it when models ask at the summit..."(whisper): well as you see right now 75 users in room, ussualy over 200-300 , there is an internal problem in Romania, they sending usa guys here to solve this , told them there are not people"
"(whisper): so yea they admitted there are some problem that's gonna be fixed this month tho"
why couldn't you, f4f, say something here???